Padesátéšesté setkání Pražského informatického semináře

Torsten Sattler

Machine Learning for Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Visual Localization

Reconstructing objects and scenes from a set of images (the 3D reconstruction problem), as well as estimating the position and orientation from which images were taken (the visual localization problem), are fundamental problems in computer vision, with applications in autonomous driving, augmented reality and robotics, among others.

14. prosince 2023


Posluchárna S5, MFF UK
Malostranské nám. 25, Praha 1
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Anotace přednášky

Reconstructing objects and scenes from a set of images (the 3D reconstruction problem), as well as estimating the position and orientation from which images were taken (the visual localization problem), are fundamental problems in computer vision, with applications in autonomous driving, augmented reality and robotics, among others. In this talk, we will discuss recent advances in both 3D reconstruction and visual localization that have been made possible through machine learning.

Starting with the 3D reconstruction problem, this talk will first discuss recent state-of-the-art algorithms to produce (close-to) photorealistic scene representation by estimating so-called neural radiance fields. The second part of the talk will focus on the visual localization problem. In particular, we will discuss using accurate (and less-accurate) 3D models to allow robust camera position and orientation estimation. In addition, we will discuss privacy aspects of the visual localization problem.


Torsten Sattler

Torsten Sattler is a Senior Researcher at the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (CIIRC) at the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague, where he is currently building up his own research group working on 3D computer vision and machine learning. Before, he was a tenured Associate Professor at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, after 5 years at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, first as a PostDoc and later as a Senior Researcher. He obtained his PhD from RWTH Aachen University in Germany. He is actively involved in the computer vision community, organizing workshops, tutorials and conferences (he is currently a program chair for the European Conference on Computer Vision 2024). His research focuses around developing robust and reliable 3D computer vision algorithms for applications such as Mixed Reality, Self-Driving Cars, and Robotics. To this end, he works on integrating higher-level scene understanding into techniques such as visual localization and mapping. Torsten is named as one of the top-10 Computer Science researchers in the Czech Republic by research.com.


Seminář se obvykle schází jednou za měsíc ve čtvrtek v 16:15 a to buď v budově FEL ČVUT nebo v budově MFF UK.

Jeho program je tvořen hodinovou přednáškou, po níž následuje časově neomezená diskuse. Základem přednášky je něco (v mezinárodním měřítku) mimořádného nebo aspoň pozoruhodného, na co přednášející přišel a co vysvětlí způsobem srozumitelným a zajímavým i pro širší informatickou obec. Přednášky jsou standardně v angličtině.

Seminář připravuje organizační výbor ve složení Roman Barták (MFF UK), Jaroslav Hlinka (ÚI AV ČR), Michal Chytil, Pavel Kordík (FIT ČVUT), Michal Koucký (MFF UK), Jan Kybic (FEL ČVUT), Michal Pěchouček (FEL ČVUT), Jiří Sgall (MFF UK), Vojtěch Svátek (FIS VŠE), Michal Šorel (ÚTIA AV ČR), Tomáš Werner (FEL ČVUT), Filip Železný (FEL ČVUT)

Idea Pražského informatického semináře vznikla z rozhovorů představitelů několika vědeckých institucí na téma, jak odstranit zbytečnou fragmentaci informatické komunity v ČR.



Pražský informatický seminář je z důvodů prevence šíření nákazy novým koronavirem do odvolání pozastaven.